Infrastructure and Facilities | Infrastructure
Sr. No. Facility Description No.
1 IT enabled classrooms well ventilated, proper ambience for learning 49
2 IT Lab Students are introduced to hardcore programming, optional subject for senior secondary 2
3 Science Lab Provides an open environment for students to experiment and do research work 5
4 Geography Lab To provide tools vital to modern geographic analysis and thus creating interest in subject, offered as optional subject for senior secondary 1
5 Language Lab To involve students to actively participate in language learning exercises and get more practice than otherwise possible in traditional classroom environment 1
6 Maths Lab Encourages the student to think and assimilate mathematical concepts in a more effective manner. 1
7 Library Vast collection of books to provide access to a rich array of stories, ideas and information 1
8 AV room For presentations by staff, students and trainers comprehension and retention 1
9 Activity hall A vibrant place to provide wings to the thoughts of our students 1
10 Sports room & playgrounds A wide plethora of indoor and outdoor games. Birla School, Kalyan conducts early morning and after school training sessions for students in soccer, basket ball, skating, chess, table tennis and badminton. In recent years school team has bagged many prizes at inter school, district and national level tournaments. 4
11 Amphi theatre An open air venue to conduct classes in a different environment, also used for presentations and programs 4
12 Staffrooms The teachers' lounge equipped with facilities like refrigarator, microwave to provide an ambience for effective planning. 4
13 Assembly ground A much awaited place by students as each morning brings a new thought, igniting their minds 1
14 Resource room To help staff prepare their own power point presentations and to plan their lessons using "Teach Next" content. 1
15 Kids pool and Play pan To develop fine motor skills of our tiny tots 1
16 Clubs To bring out hidden talents of our children we offer creative, oratorical, dramatics, nature, fine arts, gardening, reading, health and wellness, maths, science, katha, riyaz and harmony club. 13
17 Activity rooms We have yoga, aerobics, dance, art & craft and music room for holistic development of children. 7